I create tree protection plans during the investment process and I provide dendrological supervision during construction.
When? Tree protection plans are often required as part of a building project, and are also needed to obtain permission for any ground or underground work near trees.
Goal? The aim of the plan is to implement solutions that reduce harm to the trees, provide protection during construction, and ensure good growth and development conditions for the trees after the work is completed.
Form? In project you will find protective zones for the trees, ready-made or custom solutions for combining trees and infrastructure, plans of the work organization on the construction site, designates methods for protecting trees during construction, projects of new plantings and recommendations. The project consists report and drawings.
Why? Vegetation near construction works is exposed to damage, changes in habitat, and stress. Often, the effects of poorly carried out work near trees and significant deterioration in their condition are not visible until several years after the work is completed.
Basic tree assessment is a full visual evaluation of the whole tree performed from the ground level. I assess the surrounding, tree trunk base, trunk, branches, limbs, shoots and leaves using basic tools. Each tree I assess within the vitality, condition (tree health), stability and the signifcance of diagnostic features.
When? Tree inspection is carried out individually for each tree to assess their condition and provide safety around them. They are performed once when the tree is visibly in poor condition or exhibits other concerning symptoms. Inspections are also carried out regularly, for the trees in public areas or where there is a high frequency of usage on their surrounding.
How? To do basic tree inspection I use inspection form and basic arborist tools. Thanks to arborist probe and mallet I can identify the appearance of decay in root system, trunk base or in trunk. To get closer view what’s in the higher parts of tree I use binoculars.
Goal? The aim of tree inspection is to get to know if the trees are safe. The conclusion of tree inspection are the recommendations needed to ensure safety around the trees and improvement of conditions for growth (if it’s needed).
I do tree management plans in urban space – in public and private areas.
When? Plany zarządzania drzewostanem wykonuje się na obszarach o większej powierzchni, gdzie właściciel lub zarządzającym terenem chce w sposób zaplanowany i odpowiedzialny gospodarować swoimi drzewami.
Form? Dla drzew wykonywana jest inwentaryzacja, inspekcja oraz ocena ryzyka. Każde drzewo jest opisane oraz naniesione na załączony plan. Dla drzew sformułowane są zalecenia określone i rozplanowane w czasie. Wśród zaleceń znajdują się m. in. wytyczne do cięć wraz z opisem typu cięcia i wskazaniami jak je przeprowadzić, terminy ich wykonywania, czy szczegółowe zalecenia co do okresowych kontroli. Plan składa się z raportu i planu (rysunku).
I do the calculations for individual trees of benefits estimates. I can count the amount of carbon sequestration and storage, pollution removal and human health impacts, hydrology effects (such as avoided run-off, interception, transpiration) and others.
How? Thanks to iTree Eco application (iTree tool) we can get the estimated calculations of the benefits from each individual tree. The calculations are based on the collected data and tree parameters.
When? These information can be placed on a plate next to the tree. It’s a good way to educate and share the knowledge of trees and benefits that they provide us.
I am a co-author and designer of several educational publications in the arboriculture and nature field. I also lead training and workshops dedicated to various age groups.